My Crochet Journey So Far

I learned to crochet when I was 16. My Great Grandmother was living with us at the time. She was a prolific crocheter. I had broken up with a boyfriend and was moping around the house. My Grandmother couldn't stand it so she sat me down and taught me how to crochet. She taught me how to crochet the granny square and let me tell you that that was the HUGEST granny square afghan that anyone has ever made! I just kept going and going and going! I slowly branched out from making afghans to making sweaters and other things. I don't intend to post patterns because these are not my original designs. I just thought it would be fun to have some sort of record of what I have made and who it went to.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A couple of new projects

Fingerless gloves. I am teaching a friend how to crochet and I find that when I teach someone a crochet pattern it is best if I just crochet along with them. So this is the first project we made. These are the ones I made. My friend did a great job on hers also. I'm very proud of how quickly she has caught on. Our current project is a soft hat. Both of us have gotten frustrated with the type of yarn we are using, but I think she will be happy with her finished project.

I made this scarf for me! The first time I think I have ever made myself something to wear. I actually thought that it was the same color as the fingerless gloves. Imagine my surprise when I put them next to each other and the gloves are a gold color and the scarf is a tan color...huh??? Oh well, I'm sure I can find someone who would like some fingerless gloves. Their arms need to be a bit skinny though as I think they are a bit tight on me.

I'm having some friends over for lunch on Thursday and I wanted to send a little somethin somethin home with them. I found a pattern for a bookmark that I was then able to embroider their names onto. I added the tassel to the bookmark since the pattern didn't have one and I like tassels. I think I might make my Bible study women each one with their name on it. I might try to find another alphabet to cross-stitch into it though, this one is a bit plain. The problem is they are small and so I need an alphabet that uses just a few squares per letter. I'm sure there is one out there. I don't know if I like the yellow name for Leslie's. The yellow around the edges makes the bookmark "pop" but the name is a bit hard to read. But I'm not taking it out so hope she likes it ;)